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The Physics of The Day of Judgement
12/4/2014 - Science Religious - Article Ref: IC1301-5364
Number of comments: 19
Opinion Summary: Agree:14  Disagree:1  Neutral:4
By: Dr. Mohammad Humayoun Khan
IslamiCity* -


Man is given free will and the criteria of right and wrong to choose between good and evil in the expanding universe, that is, when all his deeds are recorded in time. In the contracting universe time will be playing back therefore there will be no free will. No one will have power to do harm or good to others, or change anything that they had done in their previous earthly life.

"A day when no soul has power at all over any other soul, The absolute command on that day is God's." (Qur'an 82:19)


To an inquiring mind, it may occur that the reversal of time can cause us to rise from the grave and become alive again. If this process remained unchecked then we will continue to grow younger, pass through our childhood and regress into nothingness in our mother's wombs. This is also what time reversal theories say, again a purposeless exercise.

Well not quite so! The thought of the great and final earthquake may instill fear into our hearts, but the real purpose is to make the higher dimensions accessible for escape from the collapsing universe and the regressive effect of time reversal. Allah has designed the universe with great precision. After the resurrection, arrangements have been made, to escape the unrelenting effect of time reversal, to beyond this universe. Portals or gates will open in the sky, a concept similar to the black holes. To understand this peculiar phenomenon we will briefly look at the concept of higher dimensions.


Mathematically there are an infinite number of dimensions, we however live in a three dimensional space. Every object in our daily lives has a length, width, and height. The concept that there are more than three dimensions is difficult to imagine. Higher dimensions do exist as it can be shown that intense gravity near the sun causes the space to curve in an extra higher dimension. Einstein considered this for the first time and was able to accurately calculate the orbit of the inner planet Mercury. Einstein's theory of general relativity and all modern particle theories of physics are based on the concept of higher dimensions.

We may gain some insight into the concept of higher dimensions by studying the conceptual problems faced by people in the past. There was a time when people believed that the earth is flat. They were afraid of the possibility of falling off the earth if they traveled too far. This cannot happen because the surface of the earth is curved and continuous like that of a sphere. To get off the earth we just need to move in a dimension (direction) that is perpendicular to the surface. That is straight up, from anywhere we are. We face a similar conceptual problem in understanding the higher dimensions. We may imagine that we can leave the universe only by traveling very far, but that is also not true. Even if we traveled billions of miles, we will remain within the confines of our three dimensional space.

The only way to go beyond the universe is by moving into a higher dimension in a direction that is perpendicular to our three dimensional space, right from where we are. In the present expanding universe this is not possible, as our space is not continuous with the higher dimensions. For that to happen, our space will have to literally be torn apart first and then be connected to the higher dimensions. This can happen in the center of the black holes.

"And heaven is opened and becomes as gates." (Qur'an 78:19)







The opening of gates in the sky is a concept similar to that of black holes. Such openings can be the gateways to beyond the universe through the higher dimensions. Massive stars, which collapse due to gravity under their own weight, can curve space to form black holes. Gravity in such objects is so strong that even light cannot escape and they become invisible; hence, the name black holes. Some physicists believe that space-time may be ripped apart in the black holes, producing gateways to beyond this universe. The curvature producing mass of the black hole in our present expanding universe however also blocks the opening, thus preventing anything from escaping to the higher dimensions.


"On the day when the earth will be changed to other than this earth And the heavens also......." (Qur'an 14:48)

In the contracting universe, the problem of blocked black holes should not exist. The reversal of gravity in the contracting phase will change all large masses like earth and planets into massive hollow structures with empty skies in their center. In the expanding universe time appears to be linked to the expansion of space and gravity tends to slow the expansion. In the contracting universe time will be linked to the contraction of space and the gravity of the earth that is focused toward its center sky will cause the space to contract faster. This will cause faster passage of time leading to further faster contraction of space a runaway effect causing fabric of space-time to be torn apart, forming portals or gateways to the higher dimensions. The weakness of space time in the contracting universe is mentioned in the following verses:

"The heavens will split asunder, for on that day it will be frail." (Qur'an 69:16)


Mankind will rise from the grave inside the hollow structure of the earth to observe many strange things. (When sight is confounded.) Both the sun and the moon will not be visible from within the hollow earth; however the scene will be that of a lunar eclipse as there will be reduced light due to complete absence of the sun. The moon will be completely hidden from view being located outside the earth's hollow structure. (The moon is eclipsed.) The gateways to beyond the universe will form in the center-sky, and will be visible continuously as a single light. This may cause us to wonder whether the sun and the moon have become one: (The sun and moon are united). It is interesting how this dilemma is mentioned in the following verses in the Quran beginning with "When sight is confounded," indicating that what will be seen will be confusing.

"When sight is confounded, and the moon is eclipsed (hidden from view), And sun and moon are united. (Appear as one light)" (Qur'an 75:7-9)







During a lunar eclipse the earth casts a shadow on the moon however the sun and moon are not united as sun is on the opposite side of the earth. While in a solar eclipse moon blocks the light of the sun by coming in front of it and sun and moon may appear to merge (united) in the sky but it is the sun that is eclipsed. The description in the above verses does not fit either the lunar or solar eclipse. The verses can be explained only by the unusual observation from within the hollow earth on the Day of Judgment when only one light will be continuously present in the center sky representing the openings to the beyond. The light will not move across the sky as sun and moon normally do and it will appear that sun and moon have become one. The twilight appearance will give a scenario of a lunar eclipse. Similarly the stars will also disappear from the sky as they will not be visible from within the hollow structure of the earth.

"When the stars are put out." (Qur'an 77:8)


As the reversed gravity in the contracting universe opens gates in the center-sky of the hollowed earth, a spectacular site will be seen (a grand descent) as thousands of angels descend down to accomplish the task assigned to them on the Day of Judgment.
A day when the heaven with the clouds will be rent asunder

"And the angels will be sent down, a grand descent." (Quran 25:25)


The collapsing universe will ultimately be destroyed in a fireball which physicists call the "Big Crunch." Everyone will be gathered much before that time comes and no one will be left behind. The angels of "The grand descent" may accomplish the gathering and removal of humans to "The beyond". Anyone remaining behind could regress to nothingness, as time will be running backwards.

"Think of the day when We remove the hills, and you see the earth emerging and We gather them together, as to leave not one of them behind." (Qur'an 18: 47)

In our final journey through the gates that will open in the center sky, we may cross many planes or dimensions. The word "ride" is used in the Quran, as if this journey will be accomplished by riding on "something."

"That you shall "ride" on from plane to plane." (Qur'an: 84:19)

As we leave this universe we may be collected together on some vast plane in another dimension, everyone will come from all times and places in history to face the judgment of their deeds and heaven and hell.


"Men ask you of the Hour, Say the knowledge of it is with Allah only, What can convey to you that may be the Hour is near." (Qur'an 33:63)

"They bid you to hasten on the doom. And if a term had not been appointed, the doom would have definitely come on them. And it will come upon them suddenly when they perceive not." (Qur'an 29:53)

Superficially, it seems that if we knew the rate at which the expansion of the universe is slowing, then we should be able to predict when the Day of Judgment will begin. However, if time is related to the expansion of space, we cannot observe the slowing of the expansion. This would be like attempting to measure the speed of a car with a clock that is connected to its wheels, so that the speed of time would depend on the speed of the car. If the car slowed-down the time will also slowdown and speed of the car would always appear the same. Similarly as the expansion of the universe slows time and motion will also slowdown and the rate of expansion will appear the same.

"The threatened hour is near; none beside God can disclose it. Are you surprised then at this statement?" (Qur'an 53:57-59)

Paradoxically the far-reaches of space may even seem to expand faster when measurements are made with our local slowing time, and this anomaly was discovered by two groups of astronomers in 1998. The nature of time is such that slowing of time cannot be perceived locally. This of course means that the beginning of the Day of Judgment cannot be predicted and may come at any time. Only God, who is beyond our time, knows of the real timing of the Day of Judgment.


In the Quran, the soul is compared to consciousness and death is compared to sleep. Once death overcomes us there is no perception of the passage of time and the next thing we see will be the Day of Judgment.

"And on The Day when the Hour arrives, the guilty will swear. That they remained (dead) but for an hour, thus they were ever deceived. But to those to whom knowledge and faith are given will say: The truth is that you have remained until the Day of Resurrection by God's decree. This is the Day of Resurrection, but you used not to know." (Qur'an 30:55-56)

"On that Day, He shall gather them together it will seem as if they have stayed (in the grave) for an hour, recognizing one another. Those who were not guided and denied the meeting with God will perish." (Qur'an: 10: 45)

"The agony of death comes in truth; this is what you wished to avoid, And the trumpet is blown; this is the threatened Day." (Qur'an 50:19-20)

On The Day of Judgment, the reality of afterlife and the true religion Islam will become clear to everyone. Those who had indulged in evil deeds and followed false beliefs will wish that they had never existed; but they will have to face the final justice. May God have mercy on all of us.

"To God belongs the Sovereignty of heavens and the earth and on the Day. When the Hour rises, those who followed falsehood will be lost." (Qur'an 45:27)

The following verses describe the Day of Judgment in a comprehensive manner. The Day of Judgment will start with the final earthquake causing the earth to literally explode and throw out all its insides to transform into a massive hollow sphere. The hollowed earth will have the sky towards its center. Time would be running backward and mankind will begin to rise from the graves coming back alive, one after another, "in scattered groups". The history of nations will be played back with the reversal of time. Nations as well as people will be totally powerless caught in the backward flow of time. They will helplessly reenact and witness their own deeds of the past. This process will continue until each one of us is removed to beyond the dying universe through the gates in the sky by angels of the grand decent.

"When Earth is shaken with her (final) earthquake. And Earth yields up her burdens, and man says: What aileth her? That day she will relate her chronicles, because your Creator inspires her. That day mankind will issue forth in scattered groups to be shown their deeds. And who so does good an atom's weight will see it, And who so does ill an atom's weight will see it." (Quran 99:1-8)


You will be surprised to learn that the religious contention that man will rise from the grave is not just a myth or wishful thinking but is based on real scientific principles. Rising up from the grave and coming back alive can happen simply with the reversal of time.

The world (but not the universe) can end because of earthquake, tsunami, meteor strike, nuclear war, supernova, and some other natural or manmade disaster. These are however just local ends that have nothing to do with Day of Judgment. End will not happen on any arbitrary date predicted by someone. The end of the universe is an entirely different phenomenon that has been built into the laws of the universe by the creator.

With the tremendous scientific advancements of the twentieth century, we have placed our trust in science and technology to solve all our problems. Dazzled by the ability of technology to produce quick results, our faith in God has become weak. Our actions are for worldly goals, although a stronger belief in God and fear of accountability in the afterlife could make us better people. We can see the consequences of lacking these in the moral decay that is afflicting many societies all over the world.

God has sent guidance to human beings according to the conditions existing at that moment in history. When the Pharaohs ruled, magic was a very popular pastime. Then Moses (Peace be on him) came with miracles from God and defeated the magicians of the Pharaoh's court. The people at the time of Jesus (Peace be on him) were similarly deep into miracles, and we can see that the life of Jesus is full of miracles. When Mohammad (Peace be on him) came, the Arabic language and poetry was at the height of its development. The Quran with its clear message was revealed in the most eloquent poetry with a style unique and unmatched.

Many verses in the Quran describe the Day of Judgment. We live in a universe that has been expanding since its creation billions of years ago. Both the birth of the universe with the "Big Bang" and its expansion are described in the Quran. Physicists and astronomers have recently (1998) discovered that the expansion of the universe appears to be accelerating. This anomalous finding is expected if the expansion of space is linked to time. The verses of the Quran suggest that the universe will not expand forever and that the Day of Judgment will begin with the contraction of the universe.

It appears that time and gravity will reverse when the universe begins to contract. Reversal of time will bring about the resurrection from the grave. In this time and gravity reversed and transformed world we will come across all the good and evil that we did in our lives.

Reversal of gravity will be the cause of the final earthquake mentioned in the Quran. This will change the earth so that it will be turned inside out and transformed into a giant hollow sphere with the sky towards its center. The reversed gravity focused towards the "earth's center-sky" will have a runaway effect on space. The space in the center-sky will be literally torn apart to produce openings or gates to the higher dimensions that are beyond our universe. Through these openings, we will be removed from the collapsing universe.

Everyone will be taken away to escape the unrelenting effect of time reversal that could regress us to nothingness in our mother's wombs. In some higher dimension or plane mankind will be brought together from all times and places in history, to face the judgment for their deeds and hell or heaven.

From the Quran, it appears that the timing of the Day of Judgment will never be known and it may come at any time. We should be aware that The Day of Judgment is very near to every one of us as there is no perception of passage of time after death.

As we go through our daily life we should keep in mind that everything big and small that we do is being recorded in time. If we do not take steps to protect ourselves from evil, in addition to the threat of severe punishment, we stand the chance of great embarrassment on the Day of Judgment. The reversal of time will expose all our secrets.

I hope this article will serve as a source of warning as well as encouragement to the believers. They will realize that, The Day of Judgment is a religious, scientific truth which everyone will have to face; and our deeds in this world will determine our fate in the eternal life. There is no doubt however, that the real knowledge of the Day of Judgment is with Allah only. The non-Muslims hopefully, will appreciate that the religion of Islam is more than just another belief and they will be stimulated to further investigate the world of Islam.

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Dr. Mohammad Humayoun Khan resides in Madinah Munawarra, Saudi Arabia. His website is at: He can be reached at

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